Use nJAMS Client for BW6 with BWCE

TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition is a Cloud Native Application framework that runs within containers. nJAMS Client for BW6 can be configured to run within a container next to TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition.


The following prerequisites are required:

  • TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition base Docker Image including your BWCE application. Please refer to TIBCO documentation for creating a base Docker image.
  • nJAMS BWCE package. Enter Integration Matters Download Portal to download nJAMS BWCE package file. nJAMS BWCE package is part of nJAMS Client for BW6 download package, see njams-client-bw6-installer-<VERSION>

Extend TIBCO BWCE base Docker image

The TIBCO BWCE base Docker image can be extended to support nJAMS Client for BW6 as follows:

  1. Download nJAMS BWCE package file.
  2. Copy nJAMS BWCE package file to a temporary folder and unzip the package for example into sub folder njams.
  3. If not included in your base image, add TIBCO EMS driver files (tibjms.jar, and tibjmsadmin.jar) to the nJAMS BWCE package by putting both files into the njams/jars folder.
  4. Adapt njams/conf/ according to your connection requirements.
  5. In the temporary folder create a Dockerfile that copies the nJAMS BWCE package file into the base Docker image. Adapt the reference to your base image as needed.
FROM tibco/bwce:latest
ADD ./njams/ /resources/addons/thirdparty-installs/njams
  1. Build the Docker image by running the following command from the temporary folder:
docker build -t <YOUR-TAG> .