The ems
plugin gathers stats on TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (EMS).
- Configuration EMS:
This plugin needs to be configured in a separate file. Therefore create a file for each EMS server <your_path>/agent/config/ems/ems_input.conf
# Collect metrics from a TIBCO EMS server
# ## A URL for a TIBCO EMS server to collect metrics from
# # the URL must not be fault tolerant
url = "tcp://vslems01:7222"
# # url = "ssl://localhost:7443"
# ## TIBCO EMS Auth credentials with admin privileges
username = "admin"
password = "admin"
# ## SSL Options
# ssl_identity=
# ssl_password=
# ssl_debug_trace=
# ssl_trace=
# ssl_verify_host=
# ssl_verify_hostname=
# ssl_hostname=
# ssl_key=
# ssl_vendor=
# ssl_ciphers=
# ssl_trusted=
# ssl_issuer=
# ## set this to add a suffix to all destination ids. Does not affect the server instance id!
# ## this will be useful, if you have multiple EMS server instances using the same EMS_SERVER_NAME
# ## available since 4.1.1
# idSuffix="development"
# ## comma separated list of queue/topic-patterns for which to collect metrics
# queues = [">","queue.sample"]
# topics = [">"]
queues = "queue.>"
# ## stats is a list of sub-stats that you want to have gathered for EMS. Valid options
# # are "queues" and "topics" Per default, all stats are gathered. EMS server metrics
# # are always collected
# stats = ["queues", "topics" ]
# ## value to limit consumption of monitoring messages for latency measurement for all configured
# # queues and topics. The sampling is automatically adjusted, so that only a maximum of monitoring
# # events per second are collected. To disable use 0.0; maximum is 100
# maxSamplingRate = 10.0 # in messages per seconde (float)
## set the ID of the physical TIBCO EMS server to uniquely identify individual server instances
Reference the plugin in your njams_agent.conf
command = ["<your_path>/agent/bin/njams_agent", "--config", "<your_path>/agent/config/ems/ems_input.conf"]
Alternatively, it is possible to manage your configuration files on a HTTP/S server and provide them via URL to your njams_agent.conf
command = ["<your_path>/agent/bin/njams_agent", "--config", "http://example.org/ems_input.conf"]
- Example Output EMS instance:
"fields": {
"async_db_size": 659968,
"client_connection_count": 3,
"comp_state": 0,
"consumer_count": 2,
"current_time": 1576005119528,
"disk_read_ops_rate": 0,
"disk_read_rate": 0,
"disk_write_ops_rate": 0,
"disk_write_rate": 0,
"durable_count": 0,
"in_bytes_rate": 0,
"in_msg_count": 12417,
"in_msg_rate": 0,
"log_size": 34496862,
"msg_mem": 31793,
"msg_mem_pooled": 53248,
"out_byte_rate": 0,
"out_msg_count": 12416,
"out_msg_rate": 0,
"pending_msg_count": 0,
"pending_msg_size": 0,
"pid": 5400,
"producer_count": 2,
"queue_count": 555,
"session_count": 2,
"start_time": 1575376779000,
"state": 3,
"sync_db_size": 772434432,
"topic_count": 107
"name": "ems_server_instance",
"tags": {
"host": "vslems01",
"id": "EMS-SERVER.7222.VSLEMS01",
"server_name": "VSLEMS01",
"state_info": "standby",
"url": "tcp://vslems01:7224"
"timestamp": 1576005120
- Example Output EMS Queue:
"fields": {
"active_durable_count": 0,
"consumer_count": 1,
"delivered_message_count": 0,
"durable_count": 0,
"expiry": 60000,
"flow_control_max_bytes": 0,
"in_transit_message_count": 0,
"inbound_bytes_rate": 0,
"inbound_message_rate": 0,
"inbound_total_bytes": 8926088,
"inbound_total_messages": 12361,
"max_bytes": 104857600,
"max_messages": 10000,
"max_redelivery": 0,
"outbound_bytes_rate": 0,
"outbound_message_rate": 0,
"outbound_total_bytes": 0,
"outbound_total_messages": 0,
"pending_message_count": 0,
"pending_message_size": 0,
"pending_persisten_message_size": 0,
"pending_persistent_message_count": 0,
"prefetch": 5,
"redelivery_delay": 0,
"subscription_count": 0
"name": "ems_queue",
"tags": {
"backup_name": "VSLEMS01@vslems01",
"destination_name": "njams4.dev.steffen.command",
"destination_type": "queue",
"host": "vslems01",
"id": "njams4.dev.steffen.command.queue.VSLEMS01",
"name": "njams4.dev.steffen.command",
"overflow_policy": "0",
"server_name": "VSLEMS01",
"store": "$sys.failsafe",
"type": "ems_queue",
"url": "tcp://vslems01:7222"
"timestamp": 1576005210
- Example Output EMS Topic:
"fields": {
"active_durable_count": 0,
"consumer_count": 0,
"delivered_message_count": 0,
"durable_count": 0,
"expiry": 0,
"flow_control_max_bytes": 0,
"in_transit_message_count": 0,
"inbound_bytes_rate": 0,
"inbound_message_rate": 0,
"inbound_total_bytes": 0,
"inbound_total_messages": 0,
"max_bytes": 0,
"max_messages": 10000,
"max_redelivery": 0,
"outbound_bytes_rate": 0,
"outbound_message_rate": 0,
"outbound_total_bytes": 0,
"outbound_total_messages": 0,
"pending_message_count": 0,
"pending_message_size": 0,
"pending_persisten_message_size": 0,
"pending_persistent_message_count": 0,
"prefetch": 64,
"redelivery_delay": 0,
"subscription_count": 0
"name": "ems_topic",
"tags": {
"backup_name": "VSLEMS01@vslems01",
"destination_name": "njams4.dev.christian2.commands",
"destination_type": "topic",
"host": "vslems01",
"id": "njams4.dev.christian2.commands.topic.VSLEMS01",
"name": "njams4.dev.christian2.commands",
"overflow_policy": "0",
"server_name": "VSLEMS01",
"store": "$sys.failsafe",
"type": "ems_topic",
"url": "tcp://vslems01:7222"
"timestamp": 1576005220