The ems output plugin sends metrics via TIBCO EMS to nJAMS Argos.

If you prefer to use nJAMS Agent with TIBCO EMS, follow the procedure below to configure an output plugin for TIBCO EMS. In addtion, on nJAMS Server side a Data Provider of type “Argos” is required to be configured in order to receive metrics from nJAMS Agent via TIBCO EMS.

  1. Copy TIBCO EMS 64-Bit Client libraries to <your_path>/agent/lib/.

  2. Add <your_path>/agent/lib/ to global path variable.

  3. Configure output plugin for TIBCO EMS by editing njams_agent.conf as in the sample configuration below.

  4. On nJAMS Server create a Data Provider of type “Argos”. Please make sure the queue of the Data Provider matches the queue configured for nJAMS Agent.


This plugin needs to be configured in a separate file. Therefore create a file <your_path>/agent/config/ems/ems_output.conf:

    #   ## URL is the address to send metrics to
    url = "tcp://ems-server-1:7222,tcp://ems-server-2:7224"
    #   ## Queue name
    queue = "njams.metrics"
    #  ## Data format to output.
    data_format = "njams"


The name of the queue always has to end with .metrics, such as njams.metrics.

Reference the plugin in your njams_agent.conf

    command = ["<your_path>/agent/bin/njams_agent", "--config", "<your_path>/agent/config/ems/ems_output.conf"]

Alternatively, it is possible to manage your configuration files on a HTTP/S server and provide them via URL to your njams_agent.conf:

    command = ["<your_path>/agent/bin/njams_agent", "--config", "http://example.org/ems_output.conf"]
Sample configuration using TLS/SSL connection

    #   ## URL is the address to send metrics to
    url = "ssl://ems-server-1:7242,ssl://ems-server-2:7244"
    #   ## Connection Factory
    #   #connectionFactory = "QueueConnectionFactory"
    #   ## Queue name
    queue = "njams.metrics"
    #  ## Data format to output.
    data_format = "njams"

    ## SSL Options
    # ssl_identity=
    # ssl_password=
    # ssl_debug_trace=
    # ssl_trace=
    # ssl_verify_host=
    # ssl_verify_hostname=
    ssl_hostname = "server"
    # ssl_key=
    ssl_vendor = "j2se"
    # ssl_ciphers=
    ssl_trusted = "/opt/njams/agent/certs/server_root.cert.pem"
    # ssl_issuer=