Setting up nJAMS Client for BW non-invasively

Setting up nJAMS Client for BW non-invasively#

nJAMS Client for BW requires TIBCO BusinessWorks 5.13, 5.14, 5.15. Please check your BW version before you install nJAMS Client for BW.


TIBCO BusinessWorks 6 is not supported by nJAMS Client for BW! Please use nJAMS Client for BW6 for monitoring TIBCO BusinessWorks 6 / BWCE.

Make sure TIBCO BusinessWorks is installed properly. Enter Integration Matters Download Portal and download nJAMS Client for BW.

The distribution package of nJAMS Client for BW just consists of a single JAR file: njams.jar. Extract the distribution file and copy the JAR file to TIBCO BusinessWorks palettes folder.


The TIBCO BusinessWorks palettes folder on Unix/Linux is usually located here: <TIBCO_HOME>/bw/plugins/lib/palettes

Copy nJAMS Client for BW into this folder

cp njams.jar /opt/tibco/bw/plugins/lib/palettes/


Make sure there is only one single njams.jar file available in the class path. The presence of multiple versions of njams.jar may cause unexpected results.


nJAMS Client for BW generates event messages for different channels. A channel is called Data Provider.

Restart TIBCO BusinessWorks engine#

Once you copied njams.jar to the designated location and updated bwengine.tra file with nJAMS Client for BW settings, you have to restart the corresponding TIBCO BusinessWorks engine in order to activate nJAMS Client for BW.

For more information about installation and configuration of nJAMS Client for BW, refer to manual Installing nJAMS Client for BW.