Install nJAMS palette in TIBCO Business Studio#
nJAMS palette has to be installed in TIBCO Business Studio (Eclipse) using the designated procedure provided by TIBCO.
Start TIBCO Business Studio
Enter menu “Help” and select “Install New Software…”:
Click on “Add…” to add the repository of nJAMS palette files:
Enter a name and click on “Local…” to select nJAMS palette repository from local installation folder
nJAMS installer places the palette files at at
.Select “BusinessWorks Palette for nJAMS”:
It is usually not necessary to use option “Contact all update sites during install to find required software”. You may disable this option to save some time.
Click on “Next >” and follow further instructions.
Check the result of the installation at “Help” > “Installation Details”
nJAMS palette should be installed and available in TIBCO Business Studio: