

The retention of recorded data refers to the general retention settings of an element from Navigation Tree. You can configure retention for an element in Properties > Settings based on a selected element.

The retention is set to 7 days in the following example:


The recorded data will be removed from nJAMS Server data storage after 7 days.


An nJAMS Administrator is allowed to grant privileges for individual roles.

nJAMS Replay comes with 5 additional privileges:


enables usage of nJAMS Replay for particular role(s).


grants access to the Replay history and recorded data.


includes the Read privilege and grants access to the replay feature. A role with this privilege can replay transactions with their original data, only.


includes the Replay privilege and allows to manipulate data used for the replay.


grants the privilege to turn off/on the recording of data for processes and engines.

Audit Log#

The Audit Log shows all replays triggered by users and changes to privilege grants; the displayed list is limited to the most recent 10.000 events and can be sorted and filtered.

Feature management
  1. Enter tab “Administration”

  2. Select “Feature Management”

  3. Click on “Edit” to show Audit Log

Sample Audit Log