Using nJAMS Replay command line tool#
nJAMS Replay provides a command line interface in addition to the graphical user interface.
Using nJAMS Replay from the GUI is very useful when you want to modify input data and start a single Replay on an interactive basis. You can select a single entry, modify the input data, start the Replay, and watch the result instantly.
But if you want to Replay many process executions or want to start Replay(s) as part of a batch script, a command line interface is required. The command line interface of nJAMS Replay allows you to search for log entries based on search parameters you know from using the Query in nJAMS GUI. The result of the search can be displayed on the console or can be stored into a text file that serves as the input for a Replay. If required, you can modify the text file before you start the Replay.
A typical procedure of using the command line interface is as follows:
Execute command line tool to search for the entries that should be replayed afterwards. The result set including the input data will be stored in a text file.
Make sure the result set corresponds exactly to your expectation.
If applicable, modify the result of the search by using a text editor.
Finally execute the command line tool again to Replay the entries of the text file
This release of nJAMS Replay command line tool requires Java 11.
This version of nJAMS Replay requires Java 17. Please make sure Java path and JAVA_HOME are set properly.
java -jar njams-replay-plugin-commandline-5.2.0.jar [options]
where options are
-?,--help <query|replay|all> displays the help, use "-? query" or "-? replay" or "-? all" for more detailed information -b,--batchSize <batchSize> Specifies replay batch size. Defaults to 100 -c,--config <configFile> config file for connection parameters -d,--dryRun do not send replay requests to nJAMS. -e,--encrypt <password> encrypts the given password -i,--instance <user pwd url> connection parameter to connect to an instance <user> <password> <instanceURL> sample: "-i user1 password1! http://localhost:8080/njams" -q,--query <[query]> execute query with optional query string; used in combination with other query args e.g.,: -q duration:>123 -qc,--queryCount count only; do not get query results -qd,--queryDisplay show matching entries -qf,--queryFile <[filename]> write all query results into a single JSON file -qh,--queryHold <durability> query (cursor-) durability, e.g., -qh 1m -qi,--queryId <[filename]> dump all matching LogIds into a JSON file -qm,--queryMultiFiles <[folder]> write each query result into a separate JSON file -qp,--queryProperties <propertyNames> comma spearated list of property names (fields) to be returned additionally -qx,--queryXml <[folder]> write start-data for each query result into a separate XML file -r,--replay instant replay of query result; use together with -q -rd,--replayDeepTrace set deep-trace on -rf,--replayFolder <folder [%name-pattern]> replay all files in a folder, e.g., -rf /home/user/ %*.json -ri,--replayId <logId|file> replay the given LogId or file -rr,--replayResult <[filename]> write replay results into file -sf,--searchFrom <startTime> search start time, e.g., -sf 2016-01-31T23:00:00 -sfs,--searchFollowUp <OPEN|COMPLETE or 1|2> search follow-up status; comma separated -sp,--searchPath <DO|BS|BO >pathPrefix> search path; e.g., -sp DO ">Domain1" -sst,--searchStatus <SUCCESS|WARNING|ERROR or 1|2|3> search status; comma separated -st,--searchTo <endTime> search end time, e.g., -st 2016-01-31T23:59:00 -t,--test test replay only -tz,--timezone <timezone> timezone or offset to be used for queries; defaults to local (Europe/Berlin) e.g., -tz UTC -um,--uriMap <regex=replacement> modify the path (URI) before replay -x,--xslt <xsltFile> apply XSL transformation on start data before replay -xi,--excludeId Exclude the (log-) ID from JSON export files. Applies to exporting JSON documents only (options -qf or -qm)
- (1) Search for specific process executions:
The following example searches for entries of a particular process of any status within a specific time interval. The results are stored in separate files in a specified folder.
java -jar njams-replay-plugin-commandline-5.2.0.jar -i admin admin http://myserver:8080/njams/ -q -sf 2022-11-21T16:40:00 -st 2022-11-21T16:50:00 -sp DO ">fs_pres>C1_Services-1>C1_Services-1-C1_Services>OrderServices/C1/Starter_C1_SendOrder.process" -sst SUCCESS,WARNING,ERROR -qm ids
and outputs the following:
INFO Replay Plugin for nJAMS Command Line Interface V5.2.0 INFO Resolved arguments: [-i, admin, ***, http://myserver:8080/njams/, -q, -sf, 2020-06-02T16:40:00, -st, 2020-06-02T16:50:00, -sp, DO, >fs_pres>C1_Services-1>C1_Services-1-C1_Services>OrderServices/C1/Starter_C1_SendOrder.process, -sst, SUCCESS,WARNING,ERROR, -qm, ids] INFO Successfully connected admin@http://myserver:8080/njams/api INFO nJAMS server version 5.2.0 INFO Replay Plugin for nJAMS V5.2.0 found. INFO Total hits: 6 INFO 100% received INFO Disconnected from http://myserver:8080/njams/api INFO Finished processing.
The specified command finds 6 entries.
Let’s inspect the command in detail:
-i admin admin http://myserver:8080/njams/
authenticates with user
and passwordadmin
against nJAMS instancehttp://myserver:8080/njams/
-q -sf 2022-11-21T16:40:00 -st 2022-11-21T16:50:00
queries for entries in time period from
-sp DO “>fs_pres>C1_Services-1>C1_Services-1-C1_Services>OrderServices/C1/Starter_C1_SendOrder.process”
queries for entries of domain object
where status is either
, orError
-qm ids
write results in separate files into folder
- (2) Replay results:
The following command replays the content of folder ‘ids’:
java -jar njams-replay-plugin-commandline-5.2.0.jar -i admin admin http://myserver:8080/njams/ -rf ids
and outputs the following:
INFO Replay Plugin for nJAMS Command Line Interface V5.2.0 INFO Resolved arguments: [-i, admin, ***, http://myserver:8080/njams/, -rf, ids] INFO Successfully connected admin@http://myserver:8080/njams/api INFO nJAMS server version 5.2.0 INFO Replay Plugin for nJAMS V5.2.0 found. INFO Processing JSON file ids\0264946f-75e9-4a35-83cf-61a8064ac149.json INFO Processing JSON file ids\182fbd55-1682-4b29-b93c-4d84382c872c.json INFO Processing JSON file ids\55e53c75-ab10-4fc3-b7b4-ae595abd84c2.json INFO Processing JSON file ids\7aa868aa-25ed-4a22-96b1-4ec12f8ff6ff.json INFO Processing JSON file ids\b310d2d3-3972-45e1-b177-ffd772e9973c.json INFO Processing JSON file ids\cdbe3d14-938a-4748-b34c-d36786e985fe.json INFO 6 replay requests successful INFO 0 replay requests failed INFO 6 replay requests total INFO Disconnected from http://myserver:8080/njams/api INFO Finished processing.
The specific command replayed the 6 found entries.
The command in detail:
-i admin admin http://myserver:8080/njams/
authenticates with user
and passwordadmin
against nJAMS instancehttp://myserver:8080/njams/
-rf ids
replays file(s) from folder ‘ids’
- (3) Use secure connection:
Use the following options to specify your certificte for the secure SSL connection to nJAMS Server:
to specify the full path to your Java keystore that includes your certificate(s)
to specify the password for the keystore
For example, the following command will connect to an nJAMS Server instance and search for results that are returned into file “njams-logentries.json” in the current directory:
java "" \ "" \ -jar njams-replay-plugin-commandline-5.2.0.jar \ -i admin admin -q -sf "2022-11-21T16:00:00" -st "2022-11-21T17:10:00" ` -sp BS CreditCheckService -sst ERROR -qi njams-logentries.json
This example replays the previously found results from file “njams-logentries.json” in the current directory:
java "" \ "" ` -jar njams-replay-plugin-commandline-5.2.0.jar ` -i admin admin ` -ri ./njams-logentries.json