See an excerpt of available properties in response.varfile
for an unattended installation including a description of the properties meaning:
property name |
sample value |
comment |
cmd_cli |
/opt/njams/server6/wildfly27/bin/ |
# Full path to WF/Jboss CLI |
cmd_standalone |
/opt/njams/server6/wildfly27/bin/ |
# Full path to WF start script |
db.class |
org.postgresql.Driver |
# RDBMS classname of JDBC driver |
db.driver |
/tmp/postgresql-42.2.8.jar |
# Specify jdbcdriver of external RDBMS |
db.installType |
0 |
# 0=requires empty schema, 1=use existing nJAMS schema, 2=clear existing schema |
db.pwd |
postgres |
# RDBMS user password |
db.systemId$Integer |
0 |
# 0=H2, 1=Oracle, 2=MSSQL, 3=PGSQL |
db.url |
jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/njams |
# RDBMS connection url |
db.user |
postgres |
# RDBMS user name |
es.api.port$Integer |
9300 |
# Elasticsearch api port number |
es.cerebro.port$Long |
9000 |
# Cerebro port |
es.cluster |
njams |
# Elasticsearch cluster name |
es.configure$Boolean |
true |
# Set to true for setting up cluster connection | |
/home/docker/njams-install/elastic/data |
# Elasticsearch pathname to data files |
es.heap |
2g |
# Elasticsearch heap size | |
localhost |
# Elasticsearch host name |
es.http.port$Integer |
9200 |
# Elasticsearch http port number | |
njams-node |
# Elasticsearch node name |
es.serviceName |
elastic_njams |
# Elasticsearch service name |
es.sniffingEnabled$Boolean |
true |
# Enables/disbales sniffing |
es.url |
localhost:9200 |
# Elasticsearch url |
es.version |
es8 |
# Select ‘es7’ or ‘es8’. |
njams.admin |
admin |
# nJAMS admin username |
njams.adminGroup |
admin |
# nJAMS admin groupname |
njams.adminPwd |
admin |
# nJAMS admin password |
njams.adminPwd.encoded |
npuSlpE= |
# Encoded admin password |
njams.baseUrl | |
# base URL |
njams.dataDir |
/opt/njams/server6/data |
# directory for data (h2 database, keyfile, etc.) |
njams.instance |
njams |
# nJAMS instance name |
sys.adminRights$Boolean |
true |
# Admin rights are required, DO NOT CHANGE! |
sys.component.compCerebro$Boolean |
true |
# Use Cerebro true/false |
sys.component.compAmq$Boolean |
true |
# Install ActiveMQ true/false |
sys.component.compElastic$Boolean |
true |
# Install Elasticsearch true/false |
sys.component.compNjams$Boolean |
true |
# Install WildFly/nJAMS Server ture/false |
sys.component.compExtDB$Boolean |
true |
# Use external RDBMS (PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle) |
sys.installationTypeId |
typeShowcase |
# Either typeStandard | typeFull | typeCustom | typeShowcase |
sys.languageId |
en |
# Only ‘en’ is supported yet. DO NOT CHANGE! |
sys.programGroupAllUsers$Boolean |
true |
# Windows: Install program group for AllUsers |
sys.programGroupDisabled$Boolean |
false |
# Windows: Do not create program group |
sys.programGroupName |
nJAMS-4 Server |
# Windows: Program group name |
wf.admin |
admin |
# WildFly admin username |
wf.adminPort$Long |
9990 |
# WildFly admin port number |
wf.adminPwd.encoded |
admin |
# WildFly admin password |
wf.bindAddress | |
# WildFly bind ip address |
wf.heap$Integer |
1024 |
# WildFly heap size [MB] |
wf.httpPort$Long |
8080 |
# WildFly http port number |
wf.serviceName |
WildFly_njams |
# WildFly service name |
wf.useBindAddress$Boolean |
false |
# WildFly use bind ip address |
wf.waitAddress | |
# Local WildFly ip address for testing connection |
See also the following sample response.varfiles:
Unattended installation using external SQL Server RDBMS
How to configure multiple nJAMS instances on the same machine#
In case you want to use multiple nJAMS Server instances by using separate WildFly servers on the same machine, use the following steps as guideline.
Make sure that the first nJAMS Server instance is completely stopped before running the installer the second instance.
During second installation, make sure that all ports of all components being installed are different from those used during the first installation.
After installation, go to
Administration -> Conections -> Argos
and change theDatabase port
to a different one that is not in use.Shutdown nJAMS.
Make sure that the WildFly servers contain different names of the session cookie.
of the WildFly servers as follows:Edit:
Search for:
<servlet-container name="default">
Add session-cookie entry to change the default session cookie name:
<servlet-container name="default"> <jsp-config/> <websockets/> <session-cookie name="MYSESSIONCOOKIE" /> </servlet-container>
is your individual name for the session cookie.You are now ready to start both nJAMS instances.