Post installation tasks

Post installation tasks#

After installing nJAMS Server, please check for the following post installation tasks.

Keep OpenJDK up to date#

nJAMS Server comes with OpenJDK 21. Since there may be important updates of OpenJDK 11 after the release of nJAMS Server, we recommend to always keep the Java installation up to date. Please enter and check for important hotfixes of OpenJDK 21.

Update OpenJDK 11 as follows:

  1. Stop nJAMS instance, e.g. run from <njams-installation>/bin

  2. Update OpenJDK by replacing existing jre with new jre, e.g. rename <njams-installation>/jre to <njams-installation>/jre.old and copy new OpenJDK to <njams-installation>/jre.

  3. Start nJAMS instance, e.g. run