Start/Stop an nJAMS instance#
This chapter describes how to start/stop an nJAMS instance. The nJAMS Installer creates start/stop scripts for all subsystems that have been installed. The scripts are available for Windows and Linux/Unix.
On Windows systems#
On Windows the following scripts to start/stop the nJAMS instance are located in <njams_installation_dir>\bin
Starts all Windows Services of installed nJAMS subsystems on this machine
Stops all Windows Services of installed nJAMS subsystems on this machine
You can start/stop nJAMS subsystems individually. Open Windows Service Console and find the nJAMS Service starting with njams_
In this example, there are two nJAMS subsystems installed, nJAMS PostgreSQL database and nJAMS WildFly Application Server.
Select the Windows Service regarding the nJAMS subsystem you want to start/stop and click on Start/Restart, respectively Stop.
On Linux/Unix systems#
On Linux/Unix the following scripts to start/stop the nJAMS subsystems are located in <njams_installation_dir>\bin
Starts all installed nJAMS components on this machine
Stops all installed nJAMS components on this machine
When you use the internal database of nJAMS Server it is recommended to restart nJAMS Server from time to time. A restart will help to defragment and compress the internal database. However, this is just a recommendation to keep the internal database performant, it is not a must.
This recommendation does not apply, when you use an external RDBMS.