Start / Stop an nJAMS instance

nJAMS Installer creates start/stop scripts for all subsystems that have been installed. The scripts are available for Windows and Linux/Unix.


On Windows the following scripts to start/stop the nJAMS instance are located in <njams_installation_dir>\bin

scripts Description
startAll.bat Starts all Windows Services of installed nJAMS subsystems on this machine
stopAll.bat Stops all Windows Services of installed nJAMS subsystems on this machine

You can start/stop nJAMS subsystems individually. Open Windows Service Console and find the nJAMS Service starting with ‘njams_’:

Windows Service

In this example, there are four nJAMS subsystems installed. Select the Service you want to start/stop and click on Start/Restart, respectively Stop.


On Linux/Unix the following scripts are used to start/stop the nJAMS subsystems are located in <njams_installation_dir>/bin

scripts Description Starts all installed nJAMS components on this machine Stops all installed nJAMS components on this machine