Install nJAMS Server into existing WildFly server

Install nJAMS Server into existing WildFly server#

Follow these steps to prepare WildFly for nJAMS:

  1. Make sure you have got the latest Java version

  2. Download WildFly in version 32.0.0.Final

  3. Install WildFly by extracting the download package

  4. Add admin user by executing wildfly-32.0.0.Final/bin/<add-user-file>

    4.1 Create a management user

    4.2 Choose your name

    4.3 Choose your password

    4.4 Leave the group request blank

    4.5 Agree to adding your user to ‘ManagementRealm’

  5. Test installation by starting wildfly-32.0.0.Final/bin/<standalone-file>

  6. Get command.cli from Integration Matters for your version of nJAMS Server

  7. Get Database specific CLI file from Integration Matters for your DV (postgres.cli, or mssql.cli)

  8. Get Database driver java file from database vendor

  9. Replace <PATH_TO_DRIVER_JAR_FILE> in database CLI file with path to your driver file

  10. Make sure your WildFly is still running

  11. Execute: wildfly-32.0.0.Final/bin/<jboss-cli-file> --connect --file=<PATH_TO_commands.cli>

  12. If needed configure <database>.cli to point to you database instance and check if user and password are correct

  13. Execute: wildfly-32.0.0.Final/bin/<jboss-cli-file> --connect --file=<PATH_TO_database.cli>

  14. Ensure that no error occured

  15. Make sure that your Database is running

  16. Deploy nJAMS WAR file by putting it into /wildfly-32.0.0.Final/standalone/deployments

  17. Add a <nJAMS_WAR_FILE_NAME>.dodeploy file in the same folder to trigger deployment

  18. Navigate to http://<YOUR-MACHINE>:8080/njams on the machine where you installed nJAMS and check that nJAMS is running